Arthritic Ankle: Should You Just Replace It?

An arthritic ankle can affect you almost every hour of the day. You can't walk without pain, if at all, and even turning over in bed hurts if you're not careful. There are many pain relievers and topical creams you can use, but they only offer temporary relief. If you're ready to put the pain behind you and move forward with life, you may want to seriously consider an ankle replacement. It may sound drastic at first but consider the following points and benefits.

Ankle replacement will restore your mobility.

For years, the go-to option for severe ankle arthritis has been to fuse the two bones together. This alleviates a lot of the pain, but it limits mobility. An ankle replacement, on the other hand, will restore your range of motion. You will be able to move your ankle better than you have in years! Your mobility may not be 100% of what it was before your arthritis set in, but it will be close. 

Ankle replacement is a tried-and-true procedure.

Although the procedure has become more common recently, it is not new. Surgeons have been perfecting the procedures used to replace ankles for years. There are some risks involved. For example, there's a risk of injury to the nerves and blood vessels connected to your ankle, and there's a risk one of your bones will fracture during the procedure. However, surgeons have developed good ways of minimizing these risks, and the vast majority of patients recover without any serious side effects. One of these methods is using a CT scan to guide the surgeon as they place the new joint.

Replacement ankles last 10 - 15 years.

Although the process of recovering from ankle replacement surgery can be quite painful and takes a few months, you get rewarded with at least 10 years of a sturdy, pain-free ankle. Some modern ankle replacements even last 15 years. When your ankle replacement wears out, you can have a new one put into place. The process of having your second ankle replacement is not as extensive as the first one. Usually, only the softer part of the replacement ankle — the part that is meant to mimic cartilage — needs to be replaced the second time around.

Now that you know a little more about ankle replacements, reach out to Ankle & Foot Clinic Of Everett. They can evaluate your condition and let you know if you're a candidate.

About Me

Keeping My Feet Healthy

When I got into running, I realized that taking care of my feet was going to be important. Instead of getting pedicures from sketchy nail salons, I started visiting with my podiatrist on a regular basis. In addition to teaching me how to care for running callouses and cut my toenails, he also gave me tips that really helped my feet to stay comfortable on the road. This blog is dedicated to runners who need to keep their feet healthy. Check out these articles for ideas on how your podiatrist could help you to keep those toes pristine--no matter how you choose to exercise.

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