What To Expect With Hammertoe Surgery

Hammertoe is a condition of the foot in which the second toe (or other toes as well) are bent in a position so that the tip of the toe is pointed down and there is a permanent bend in the joint. You are unable to straighten the toe at all, as the joint has been damaged so much that it cannot straighten on its own. If you have this condition, it was more than likely caused by wearing shoes that are too tight, or that pushed the toes forward too much, like wearing high heels.

If you have been diagnosed with hammertoe, you may have had exercises to help stretch the toe, or you have worn a splint, however, if these didn't work out for you, surgery may be necessary. If you are a candidate for surgery, you may be wondering what to expect. Read on for some information about hammertoe surgery.

What Does The Surgery Entail?

The type of surgery you have depends on the severity of your hammertoe. If you have a severe hammertoe, you may need a fusion or a joint resection. Both of these can be a little more involved and you may need more recovery time for these surgical procedures. If your hammertoe was not as severe, you may only need to have the tendon ran back up to the tip of the toe so you will be able to bend and stretch it. These are usually outpatient procedures; however, the joint resection and fusion surgeries may require you to go home with some extra hardware, including pins and rods to hold everything in place. The tendon repair surgery may only require a few stitches.

How Long Is The Recovery?

The recovery period depends on the type of surgery you had. You may be fully recovered after just a few weeks, although if you have pins and rods put in, you may have a few extra weeks added onto the recovery time. You will more than likely be on crutches, or you may need a scooter. You will also more than likely have to wear a boot to help keep pressure off of the toe and weight off of your foot to allow time for your toe to heal properly. Be sure you have help on your road to recovery, as you may not be able to drive for a while, depending on which foot you had surgery on.

If you have been diagnosed with hammertoe and you have tried all other treatments, surgery may be your next step. Talk to your podiatrist about what else you can expect with hammertoe surgery.

About Me

Keeping My Feet Healthy

When I got into running, I realized that taking care of my feet was going to be important. Instead of getting pedicures from sketchy nail salons, I started visiting with my podiatrist on a regular basis. In addition to teaching me how to care for running callouses and cut my toenails, he also gave me tips that really helped my feet to stay comfortable on the road. This blog is dedicated to runners who need to keep their feet healthy. Check out these articles for ideas on how your podiatrist could help you to keep those toes pristine--no matter how you choose to exercise.

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